Specialty Services

Parisi provides a full range of transportation planning and design services for clients throughout the Bay Area and beyond. We provide several areas of technical services to our clients, including city and county municipal departments, state transportation agencies, public transit operators, regional planning organizations, school districts, and private clients. Our services include, but are not limited to, traffic engineering, civil engineering and transportation planning. Many of the services that we provide to our clients are described below:

Multimodal Transportation Planning and Design
Parisi provides comprehensive planning, outreach, engineering and construction-related services for multimodal projects, including for Complete Street integrated intersection and other safety-related projects. Our work focuses on all road users to create designs and plans that are safe, innovative and attractive.

Transit/Paratransit Planning, Design and Operations
Parisi is experienced in managing and designing transit improvements on both a large and small scale. Among large projects, Parisi managed the conceptual design, environmental review and public outreach for the six-mile-long Geary Boulevard / Street Bus Rapid Transit corridor in the City of San Francisco

Pedestrian Facility Planning and Design
Parisi plans, analyzes and designs facilities for pedestrian access and safety, with a focus on pedestrian trips to along and across streets, within neighborhoods, and to and from schools and transit stations. Our engineers and planners specialize in working collaboratively with communities to identify safety concerns and solutions.

Bicycle Facility Planning and Design
Parisi is a leader in the planning and design of safe, intuitive, and innovative bicycle facilities. Parisi has planned and designed bikeway projects that span the full spectrum of established and emerging facilities and designs, including designated school bicycling routes, neighborhood bike boulevards, on-street buffered and parking protected bike lanes, separated bikeways, raised cycle tracks and recreational paths.

Safe Routes to School Planning and Design
David Parisi is one of the founders of the nation’s Safe Routes to School movement and a national expert in all aspects of SR2S. Parisi has been providing SR2S planning and design services for over 20 years. We manage SR2S programs and have prepared School Site Safety Assessments for more than 200 schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, and are a key partner in MTC’s “Spare the Air Youth” campaign.

Multimodal Safety Analysis
Parisi provides expert multimodal safety assessments, ranging from individual intersection Operations Studies to roadway corridors and from citywide to countywide evaluations. Parisi recommends and designs effective countermeasures extending from enforcement and operational solutions to low and higher-cost infrastructure improvements.

Traffic Investigations and Recommendations
Parisi provides expert safety and operational assessments of roadways and intersections. Recommended mitigations are developed using a multi-disciplinary set of factors, including reviews of collision records and police collision diagrams, traffic volumes and speeds, traffic signal timing and phasing, lighting and sight distance.

Traffic Signal Safety and Operations Studies
Parisi’s foci in reviewing intersections operations are critical at improving pedestrian safety at crosswalks and bicyclist safety at bikeway crossings, reducing or eliminating conflicts between vehicle movements, mitigating the effects of congestion where possible, progressing traffic, and simplifying complex movements.

Engineering and Traffic Surveys (E&TS)
Parisi assists cities and counties on establishing speed limits in accordance with the California Vehicle Code (CVC) and the California MUTCD. Parisi staff are responsible for directly collecting speed samples using our calibrated radar equipment and our engineering staff visit every site to assess and document site conditions that may justify speed limit changes.

Traffic Signals and Roundabouts
Parisi plans, analyzes and designs traffic signals, roundabouts, and beacons on travel ways ranging from major arterials to neighborhood streets to multiuse paths. Parisi focuses on designing intersections and crossings that facilitate comfortable movements for pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle traffic, and minimize intermodal conflict.

Signing and Pavement Marking Design
Parisi has designed striping and signing plans for hundreds of roadways and intersections in the Bay Area. Parisi was the primary author of the California MUTCD Chapter 7 Traffic Control for School Areas and was a contributor to the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design Guide.

Traffic Control Plans
Parisi prepares and reviews traffic control plans for construction projects and special events, including multistage construction projects spanning multiple years. Traffic control plans have been prepared by Parisi staff on local roads, State highway facilities, and on private property.

Traffic Calming
Parisi develops traffic calming strategies and design plans for neighborhood and collector roadways, as well as on major thoroughfares and for entire neighborhoods. Parisi has also developed comprehensive traffic calming programs for several communities in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Curbside Management
Parisi provides parking study and curbside supply and demand services to cities and towns, schools, and private developers. Parisi recognizes that parking is not an end, but rather a valuable tool in helping a community achieve its larger goals. Parisi’s process is heavily data-driven, but also has a strong emphasis in parking policy, design, management and pricing.

On-Call Project Management Support
Parisi provides project management support to cities, towns and counties. Parisi regularly provides specialized expertise, serves as an on- call supplement to City staff, handles tasks during peak staff workloads, and takes on tasks requiring quicker response times than existing staff resources often permit.

Grant Application Preparation
Parisi is the expert in preparing successful grant applications for programs that include the Active Transportation Program (ATP), Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), and Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). Our work has resulted in clients receiving over $50 million in grant funding for infrastructure projects.

Development Review, Traffic Studies and EIRs
Parisi prepares traffic impact studies for development proposals and provides peer review services for cities and towns. Parisi’s studies and reviews have a strong focus on the multimodal access of the site, inclusive of pedestrian and bicycle site access, transit access, traffic safety improvements, and compatibility with local plans and design standards.